
Facing Death

One universal fact is that we will die eventually, but most of us live as if...

How Lucky We Are

Have you ever wonder how lucky you truly are? If you are born into this world...

Excitement of Doing What You Love

Most of us give up doing what we love because it doesn't produce as much income...

Living in the Moment

To live in the present—an advice we have heard of many times to reach long lasting...

Clockwork Celebrations

Some of us revel on special occasions. Of course, if we want to, we can paint...

The One Thing

No matter how busy you are, you ought to come back to that one thing.  The...

Possession and Happiness

Acquiring new possessions makes you happy—albeit temporarily—before your happiness level goes back to baseline. This means,...

Insatiable Conquests for Beauty

Human has a strong desire to be liked. One way to fulfill that is to beautify...

Die With a Million

In the quest to earn as much money as possible, we often forget what’s really important...

Trade, Fish, Love

Most people do not give until are given something first. Some people give with the intent...