

We often choose to stay timid because we don't want to disturb people. If you are...


Anxiety can trigger ad infinitum ruminating that makes our brain scan for potential problems. As you...


The higher your status, the bigger your ego grows. It is also the time when your...

How Lucky We Are

Have you ever wonder how lucky you truly are? If you are born into this world...

Covering Up

When someone told a lie—whether it was committed remorsefully or not, it is commonsensical to expect...

The One Thing

No matter how busy you are, you ought to come back to that one thing.  The...

When Illness Extinguishes Love

Tending to demented family members is truly a test of patience and endurance. They may refuse...

The Curse of Seeking Novelty

When a certain new gadget hits the market, we have a strong urge to be the...

Liking Bias

We buy from people we like or at least behave similar to us. We donate when...

An Irretrievable Loss

Seeing our close ones leaving us for others is heart breaking. Our spouse left us for...