
The Drive to Survive

On the brink of failure, all of us summon our ultimate strength trying to survive. We...

It All Adds Up

We have been witnessing many unforeseen changes in life. We wondered why our children suddenly became...

Status Quo Wins Often

We prefer our default option than venturing out to the unknown, even if it gives us...


It is a widely accepted tenet that people will end up getting what they deserve. People...

Improvements That Compound

Making a slight improvement to a small system produces a small benefit. You will experience a...

Wealth of Wisdom

There are countless books by passionate authors, great lessons by thinkers, and teachings of gurus. We...

Unlearn to Relearn

If you believe that exercising is dangerous, a few incidents of people dying from exercising are...

Self-Made Prisoners

If you can't stay awake without caffeine, you are not free. If you can't function without...

Too Little Time

We complain about not having enough time, but we don't hesitate to splurge it for pleasure....

Learning Time

If you are asked to complete a complex task, you will easily give up if you...