
Facing Death

One universal fact is that we will die eventually, but most of us live as if...

Our One-Way Mirror

Too often, we set a wrong expectation for ourselves: We must be promoted to that rank...

The One Thing

No matter how busy you are, you ought to come back to that one thing.  The...

Mastery Requires Enjoyment

The route to your goal is never easy. It takes time, energy, and sometimes tears. Your...

Our World vs Others

When others do not believe in our cause, we think they are weird. When others do...

The Whys Engenders The Hows

You are motivated to accomplish a mission—good or bad mission. However, that motivation does not last...

Fairness is Unfairness

We witness the quotidian injustice: calamity befalls good guys, incarcerated heroes, lazy men continue to win,...

Talents That Serve

The road to lasting state of eudaemonia is to use your talent to serve for the...

Ommission Does Not Absolve Iniquity

You saw a little boy playing on an escalator. Any misstep could be life-threatening. Would you...

False Generosity

A quid pro quo is often involved when someone is being generous. Paying for client’s lunch...