Human Behavior

Easy Earned Easy Spent

Our relationship with money is similar to our relationship with humans. We don’t hesitate to splurge...

Probability Neglect

We are apprehensive about an airplane crash more than food poisoning, even though the probability of...


I had the proclivity to rush things, which I’m not proud of. I rushed to get...


Anxiety can trigger ad infinitum ruminating that makes our brain scan for potential problems. As you...


We often choose to stay timid because we don't want to disturb people. If you are...


The higher your status, the bigger your ego grows. It is also the time when your...

Worldview Shaped by Media

Most of us believe that the risk of terrorist attacks is larger than, say, motor accidents,...

Confidence and Competence

When you feel more competent than you actually are, you are overconfident. When you doubt your...

Working From Home With Children Around

Having our children around while working from home is challenging. They tried to speak to you...

Covering Up

When someone told a lie—whether it was committed remorsefully or not, it is commonsensical to expect...