Human Behavior November 19, 2022

An Insecurity Sets off a Cascade of Insecurities

An Insecurity Sets off a Cascade of Insecurities

People have an intense need to be desired. The more desirable one was, the better survival rate one had at the primordial time. 

The alpha enjoyed the reward of being at the top of the social status hierarchy, while the beta risked perishing. This same primal instinct brought in this modern life creates an incessant need for increased popularity, wealth, love, knowledge, and attractiveness.

However, they come with a cost. The lack thereof conceives insecurity in most people. The higher their perceived social rank, the more their insecurities creep in. Insecurity makes people go out of their ways to put up a facade and emanate the illusion of success. 

It is foolhardy to keep up with this subterfuge; not only does it not increase the desired qualities, but it also takes up the productive energy.

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