Detrimental Learning Process

When we succeed, we ascribe all the credit to ourselves, our grits, our audacities. We forget...

Casting the Net Wide

Make that call, and you may get the client. Try setting up that business, and it...

Unexpected Phenomenon

An odd one out causes a disproportionate effect on statistical results. A single financial catastrophe blows...


Back at primordial age, our ancestors would rather run from the possible sound of predators than...

Die With a Million

In the quest to earn as much money as possible, we often forget what’s really important...

Learning a New Language

Being a multilingual is a prideful thing. The effort to learn a new language is daunting....

Stronger Together

If a person wears a t-shirt emblazoned with your favorite football club, you feel relatedness with...

Prevention Over Cure

Managers who solve problems get more credit than those who prevent problems. A passerby who saves...

No Easy Path to Extraordinary

You contemplate on a decision to wake up earlier to work out before going to office....

Small Elite Teams

We subconsciously exert lower effort as the number of teammates increase. This is worse in an...