The Inexhaustive Observation
It is easier to come up with a list of others’ shortcomings than our own. It...
That Powerful Envy
You feel much stronger envy of others with similar characteristics as yours than those with different...
A Race of Discovery
We idolize our historical inventors as the heroes of the world’s innovation. We thought there would...
An Irretrievable Loss
Seeing our close ones leaving us for others is heart breaking. Our spouse left us for...
Concocted Pleas
We have the penchant to feel more regretful with things we didn’t do than things we...
Important but Not Urgent
The world moves at a fast pace. In an attempt to catch up, we live feverishly...
Us Versus World’s Problems
The world’s problems are inherently complex. Ending poverty, war, nuclear weapon, child abuse, economic inequality, racism....
Hopeful but Inactive
You never start because you don’t think what you want to start will succeed. Therefore, you...
Illusory Superiority
We tend to overestimate our competence. After all the hard work poured into a project, we...
Getting Things Done the Hard Way
If you are offered a difficult task that you must complete within 100 days, or else...