Comfortable Mediocrity
Leaving our usual chore for something novel feels like a leap in the dark. We have...
Know Thyself
Introspection can lead to self-discovery and also megalomaniac. As you know more about yourself, you begin...
Problems Solvers
We brush off laborious problems and often decide not to decide by resting them upon a...
Us Versus World’s Problems
The world’s problems are inherently complex. Ending poverty, war, nuclear weapon, child abuse, economic inequality, racism....
Your Way or Others’ Ways
You have the freedom to live your own way. The only thing that stops you is...
Hopeful but Inactive
You never start because you don’t think what you want to start will succeed. Therefore, you...
Encourage Criticism
People who cajole and like to be cajoled are both insecure: The recipients are insecure to...
Ommission Does Not Absolve Iniquity
You saw a little boy playing on an escalator. Any misstep could be life-threatening. Would you...
False Generosity
A quid pro quo is often involved when someone is being generous. Paying for client’s lunch...
The Meaning of Success
Society perceives the level of individuals’ success by the amount of money ones make. This may...