November 2022

Habitual Tasks

Floss daily and you will appreciate its benefits after five years. The same goes for exercising,...

Problems Solvers

We brush off laborious problems and often decide not to decide by resting them upon a...

Important but Not Urgent

The world moves at a fast pace. In an attempt to catch up, we live feverishly...

Instant Reward Wanted

The outcome of a long haul work is rewarding, because it takes a long time commitment...

Us Versus World’s Problems

The world’s problems are inherently complex. Ending poverty, war, nuclear weapon, child abuse, economic inequality, racism....

Your Way or Others’ Ways

You have the freedom to live your own way. The only thing that stops you is...

Hopeful but Inactive

You never start because you don’t think what you want to start will succeed. Therefore, you...

Limited Precious Moment

We have mostly forgotten the importance of human interaction and given up personal connections because immersing...

Illusory Superiority

We tend to overestimate our competence. After all the hard work poured into a project, we...

Getting Things Done the Hard Way

If you are offered a difficult task that you must complete within 100 days, or else...