November 2022

Predicting the Unpredictable

It is fascinating how we like to predict the future when we have no capability to...

It All Adds Up

We have been witnessing many unforeseen changes in life. We wondered why our children suddenly became...

Striking Visage Blurs Perceptions

We attribute most incidents to be influenced by its conspicuous feature. If a motorcycle crashed when...

Infinite Lifespan

Imagine if all of us are immortal. Will we really be happier? There is no rush...

One Candy Now or Two Later

You may think that only children are prone to favor what one already has on hand...

Come Back Stronger

We crossed path with many people who made an impact in our life without us realizing...

Status Quo Wins Often

We prefer our default option than venturing out to the unknown, even if it gives us...

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Adversity, worst-case scenario, misfortune. There is a good chance you’ve met one of them and made...

Delusional Self-Belief

We are inclined to over-esteem the quality of an idea that we contrive—even when it is...


It is a widely accepted tenet that people will end up getting what they deserve. People...